Friday, August 22, 2014

V4 POO - Sh*t numberplate

For a while, I have been wanting to do an occasional series on personalised number plates. I wouldn't go so far as to say that you should never trust someone with a personalised number plate, but it's close. It's also long been a source of bafflement to me as to what some personalised number plates are supposed to mean.

What finally prompted me into action was a big black Maserati that pulled out in front of me the other day. A shiny, expensive sportscar, its engine roared throatily (I think that's how you are supposed to describe it). Yet on the car was the numberplate V4 POO. That just struck me as, well, silly. Maybe the driver's name is Vapoo. There was a Maserati V4, but in the 1930s, and if you do a search for POO, well, you get information on whether or not bird poo spoils the car's paint. Perhaps the driver has some sort of scatological interest. I don't want to speculate too much about his private life. But, really, why would you buy an expensive car and then put POO on it?

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