Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Smaller government

The Daily Telegraph, I'm pretty sure, believes in smaller government, but I don't think this is the way to go about it.

Their headline yesterday reduced the word to goverment. Presumably if Michael Gove becomes the next prime minister they can reduce this to Govement, then on from there...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Is lifehacker all there is?

I didn't understand the fuss about the recent Google Reader revamp. I had never really used, or even understood, the features that they did away with. But I am disappointed to see the decline of another feature I did enjoy - "Show me my recommendations".

This used to give lots of interesting blogposts from around the world. There were always interesting articles in there, articles that you wouldn't have found any other way. At least I wouldn't. I would never have known about the amusing Amazon reviews of the Bible, or how to crack the credit card code. But no more. Now all you get are articles from Lifehacker, and some tech stuff - nothing from the random world of the blogosphere.

Maybe its demise is the result of the other changes they made to Google Reader. I don't know. Either way it's a shame.