Wednesday, June 17, 2015

We're hearing...

I don't choose to listen to Heat Radio, but it is on in the gym and... well, you don't want to hear my excuses.

At 8 o'clock every morning I listen to their news bulletin. (There is no travel bulletin. For this, you have to go to their website, which strikes me as an odd option when you're driving.) The first story of the news bulletin always starts with "We're hearing...", which is an odd construction, I think. Is it intended to give a feeling of immediacy, a folksier version of "this just in"? If so, it's clearly fake, since stories that have been around since the previous night also get the "We're hearing..." treatment. Perhaps it is just to give a friendly, confidential feel, which Heat listeners might be interested in. I don't know, but it does make me smile that, presumably, somebody has to type "We're hearing..." at the beginning of every lead story for the bulletin.

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