Ugly men secrete themselves in seats too thin
Begin the paperwork that brings more sin
Upon a thankless world that asked for nothing from them
Maybe love.
She tucks a wisp of hair away
Casts a nervous look my way
Are you another one who's made me feel this way?
I had a dream last night
A fearful examination and I hadn't done the reading as required
I know too much (about nothing)
And I'm sorry (very sorry) I've been wasting my time.
Such a beautiful thing but look again and you see
The flaws you find in everyone
(Is that a good thing?)
The flaws you find in everyone.
So she made you feel alive
And she kept you alive
And now you wonder
What on earth are you living for?
The ugly men who entertain you (now and then)
What on earth are you living for?
Grow old, look back, try not to fall forever
Remember when the grass was green (again)
You stand barefoot on the bridge and feel the water call you
Smooth and glassy, flowing forever.
Should she claim you do you go on after this?
Should she claim you we'll be forever like this.